Personal finances

You may be entitled to maternity pay: check

O maternity pay is a program that pays a benefit to men and women. However, only those who need to be absent from work due to the birth of a child, adoption or legal abortion are included.


Now, secondly, it is important for you to know that not all people are entitled to maternity pay. Thinking about it, it is important to define the rules and laws that surround this benefit. So see if you are entitled to salary.

What is maternity pay?

So, after a short presentation, you must have some doubts about the origin and function of this money. You see, for some situations, the Brazilian government has aid for groups of people who are more vulnerable than others.


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Therefore, in the event of a pregnancy, or occurrence related to a child, there is a salary that can be very useful for these families. So, you might be looking to understand how it works.

So, the maternity salary is a social security benefit, which means that only people who pay for the INSS are possible users of it. Therefore, some doubts may arise when we think about it.

So that's the purpose of today's article, you will learn what maternity salary is and who has the right to collect it. Other than that, you will also understand more about how to have that cash in hand.

Who exactly can have maternity pay?

It's not easy having a child, everyone knows that, and for sure your work is impaired when a motherhood is involved. Come to think of it, you probably had to quit your job to deal with motherhood.

However, for INSS payers and better-informed people, the process of having to leave your job can be less difficult. Therefore, people who receive the salary, go through it more easily.

Who exactly can have maternity pay?

It's not easy having a child, everyone knows that, and for sure your work is impaired when a motherhood is involved. Come to think of it, you probably had to quit your job to deal with motherhood.

However, for INSS payers and better-informed people, the process of having to leave your job can be less difficult. Therefore, people who receive the salary, go through it more easily.

You may be entitled to maternity pay: check /
You may be entitled to maternity pay: check / pixabay image credits

To better explain the doubt of who has this right, you need to understand one thing: the people who can withdraw this money are mainly the women who work with a formal contract.

However, apart from these, women who contribute to social security, the INSS, on their own, will also be able to enjoy this right. I.e, even if you don't have a signed, you can withdraw the money.

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Maternity pay for others

In addition to this group of women, some other people may also be entitled to maternity pay. To start simpler, unemployed women also have access to this benefit, but with some conditions.

This person needs to be in a state of social vulnerability for at least 10 months before the pregnancy. Another point to highlight is that the term of the maternity salary can be extended if the person has been fired of the last job.

In second place, the spouse or partner can also receive this amount. However, this will only happen if there is proof of the death of the insured. That is, only if the child's mother passes away in the period.

How long do I receive maternity pay?

Now, another important question that few people know the answer to is about the period that the benefit can cover you. This answer can be very simple, because there are Varieties of times according to the situation of the insured, however everything is intuitive.

Initially, the most common situation is with people who work with a formal contract and have access to the right's 100%. In this case, you will have access to the value for 4 months, 120 days, until salary is cut.

However, it may be that your case is a medical abortion. In these situations, you will receive maternity salary for 14 days. After this period, you will already be considered able to return to the service.

How much is the maternity salary?

A monthly amount you can receive maternity salary is also a very recurring question. Some people believe that values correspond to the person's life situation. So let's go to the values.

There are 4 possibilities of maternity salary. The first is if you are a CLT worker, that is, if you have a signed work card. In these cases, you will gain the same salary he received from the company where he worked.

Second, domestic servants are also on that list. The amount of the maternity salary will be based on the last contribution salary. However, this number has a limit, a ceiling, which is R$ 6,433.57 (2021 value).

Now, individual and optional taxpayers their value based on the sum of 12 contribution salaries prior to claiming the benefit. And for the case of special insured persons, it is a fixed amount of a minimum wage (R$ 1,100.00) for 12 months.

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Application to watch the telenovela – See it on your cell phone / Image credits pixabay


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