
Drawing coloring app – Download on your cell phone

There are several ways to have fun using your cell phone for this. In that sense, the app coloring pages can be an excellent idea, because in addition to stimulating creativity, it is quite relaxing.


That's why today we prepared a super list with the best apps current ones to download and start coloring. In addition, there are options for Android and iOS, free and with great features. Check it out below.

See the options app coloring drawings

1 – Firstly, we have the app”colorfy”. This app is available for android It is iOS and has several options for drawings to color. In addition, it has dozens of arts categories.


In that sense, the colorfy has themes floral, landscape, animal, among many other types. Downloading is simple and fast as it doesn't need a lot of storage space.

Drawing coloring app - Download on your cell phone
Drawing coloring app – Download on your cell phone / Image credits pixabay

And, if you're out of creativity right now and would like some inspiration, this app has a great resource. To check out several artworks already made, just click on the option ”Get Inspired” inside the app.

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However, there is a downside to the colorfy: the large number of advertisements. To remove them, you need to subscribe to a plan, which can vary in value depending on the type that the user chooses.

2 – Then another successful app for coloring is ”Happy Color”. So this is available in stores app android It is iOS, with more than 15,000 different design options.

Having a slightly different dynamic from the colorfy, O Happy Color works like one game to color. In this sense, the application indicates to the user which colors are suitable for each piece of art.

With dozens of categories, you can choose which design to color among themes, such as mandalas, animals, flowers, landscapes, princesses, heroes, and various objects.

Lastly, there are also some ads that appear from time to time at the bottom of the screen. However, that doesn't stop the fun. If the user wants, it is possible to withdraw them from a signature.

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More coloring app options

3 – So, one more recommended app is ”coloring book for me”. Thus, like the ones we have already covered, this one also has categories, such as mandalas, landscapes, flowers, etc.

In that sense, Coloring Book for Me, is in app stores android It is iOS. In this way, the user can use the drawings already in color to use inspiration and increase your creativity.

However, a great differential of the application in question is the possibility of listen to relaxing sounds while coloring. With this, you can paint listening to the sound of the sea, playing harps, among many other options.

Furthermore, the paid version is priced around R$ 9.80 per week, removing ads and releasing other tools, but it is possible to have fun using only the free version.

4 - Other app also has thousands of downloads is the sandbox. In this case, the user paints the pixels of each art, which can be great for those who like the comic style.

In this application, there are indicators in each art sector, showing which color is recommended. Also, just like Coloring Books for Me, there are also sounds to listen to while painting.

Drawing coloring app - Download on your cell phone
Drawing coloring app – Download on your cell phone / Image credits pixabay

5 – Finally, but also very used for coloring on mobile or desktop. tablet and the Sketchbook. Like all other apps on this list, it has a version for android is for iOS.

However, if in addition to painting you also like to draw, the Sketchbook it's great because it's possible create new drawings. With this, you can use the app's tools, such as symmetry and proportion adjustments, to make incredible arts.

Now just install and enjoy

Just saw how many interesting apps to start coloring through your smartphone or tablet? Now, all you have to do is install the one that best suits your needs and have fun painting or drawing the most diverse options.

To install any of the above options, just go to the device's app store and search for the name of the app. Before that, remember to check that there is enough space for the download.

Check out: PayPal learn how the app works and who it is for

PayPal learn how the app works and who it is for
PayPal learn how the app works and who it's for / Pexels Image Credits


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