
Job search app – Discover now

More and more are using job search app to find out about the opportunities that are out there, even more so when you quickly send your resume. So we can have more chances.


So, get to know Prepara, a platform that introduces you to the job market and builds a resume that catches the attention of recruiters. Learn more in the post below!

How to enroll in Prepara Cursos and access the job search app

In addition to apps and websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, InfoJobs and others. Prepara also contains specialized courses for preparation, maintenance as well as professional continuity.


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I.e, you can take courses and complete your curriculum with skills that can make you get a job. both in structure online as in the physics of Prepara, cool right?

Job search app - Discover now
Job Search App – Discover Now / Image Credits pexels

Among the courses offered, some are: Assembly and maintenance of computers, excel Advanced, Google and Social Networks, Designer Chart and others such as cash register, children's computer and management routine.

To sign up, just download the SuperApp Prepara app. The school offers face-to-face courses too, there are several options for you. As a bridge between students and the job market.

What is the More Employment Program?

It was launched in 2007 by Prepara Cursos and helps you to better qualify as a professional, It's great for people with no experience.. Since to complete and enrich your curriculum, you need to have courses and prior preparation.

Career guidance is in stages, namely: employability testing, creating a skills and experience profile, and then creating a professional resume. Go through all the steps as they contribute to creating your ideal profile for companies and jobs.

Therefore, with the classification, the next step is the interview. With the guidance of the right professionals, you can access vacancies available in your region. These lists have vacancies based on your profile, adjusted in the other steps.

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Prepara's job search app partners with more than 3,000 companies and can help you find your vacancy, for that, it has the following pre-vacancy categories: food, banks, biotechnology, construction, management and designer.

Don't waste time, get started today on the job search app!

Finally, we tell you step by step how to access the Prepara platform, that way you will have the dream job closer at every step, here is the tutorial on how to register and participate in the program:

  • Access the link of More Employment
  • On the platform, go to “register your resume”
  • Name and email are mandatory fields to fill in
  • At registration, fill in the necessary data, including CPF to proceed with the registration.

Don't forget to say your hours, so you can be directed to the vacancy that best fits your profile. However, keep your resume up to date, so that the chances of finding a job are higher.

The Mais Empregos platform is a non-profit initiative. Also, it's free for users. Vyou, who have a company, can also be a partner of Prepara, and find the ideal employee.

Job search app - Discover now
Job Search App – Discover Now / Image Credits pexels

Search for jobs the smart way

We know that the search for jobs is increasingly competitive, therefore, looking for ways to stand out is essential to get out of unemployment and also to become a qualified professional.

For this reason, online or face-to-face professional courses are so important, as they keep the curriculum up-to-date and your best professional version. Jobs differ for people.

Therefore, in More jobs, more than 100,000 candidates are forwarded to companies after completing the registration and orientation steps. In addition, users who have already used it approve of Prepara Cursos and have already entered the job market.

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Economic break-even point - learn how to adjust your finances / Image Credits pixabay


Me fascinan las áreas de inversiones, finanzas y entretenimiento. Me dedico intensamente a la creación de contenido de alta calidad, con experiencia en redacción para internet, mi objetivo es brindar información valiosa y atractiva a través de las principales plataformas del mercado. Ao longo da minha carreira, adquiri um profundo conhecimento em investimentos e finanças, o que me permite abordar tópicos complexos de forma clara e acessível. Minha capacidade de pesquisa meticulosa e análise crítica me possibilita oferecer aos leitores uma compreensão aprofundada das melhores práticas e tendências emergentes nesses campos. Além disso, minha paixão pelo entretenimento impulsiona minha habilidade de criar conteúdos envolventes e relevantes nessa área. Tenho experiência em redigir resenhas de filmes, séries, jogos e eventos, capturando a essência e transmitindo com entusiasmo minhas impressões aos leitores. Busco constantemente aprimorar minhas habilidades de escrita, mantendo-me atualizado sobre as últimas tendências e técnicas de redação para garantir que o conteúdo que crio esteja sempre alinhado com as expectativas do público. Meu compromisso com a excelência, criatividade e precisão são os pilares que sustentam minha abordagem profissional.

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