
Illness aid – How to request it through the my INSS app

OAsick pay is one of the benefits most requested by the INSS, so the body published an ordinance with the rules and deadlines for requesting the temporary appeal. Thus, disabled people can apply. 


Now, it is possible to apply for assistance without in-person medical expertise and, for that, the person just needs to register through the Meu INSS application. However, the measure will reduce the wait in places with appointments longer than 30 days. 

Then, find out how to apply for sickness benefit by app, what needs to be reported and what are the advantages of requesting the service through the digital platform. Know also the rules for requesting the benefit. 


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How does the Illness Benefit work?

This benefit is granted to people who, for some health reason, needed to temporarily leave their professional activities.. To this end, the worker insured by the body must prove the reason for the break.

Still, it is necessary to carry out a medical examination, however, the beneficiary can request the sickness benefit through the app of the INSS. With this, the institution intends to reduce the term for consultations in regions with high demand for care. 

Sickness Aid - How to apply for the app my INSS
Sickness Aid – How to apply for my INSS app / Image credits pixabay

However, if the citizen already has an expert appointment scheduled, he will be able to exchange the service for the digital platform. To do this, simply choose the “AIT Document Analysis” option through the INSS application. 

How do I apply for the benefit?

The insured holder must access the INSS website or application via cell phone and choose the options to file the application for sickness benefit. For this, dmust follow the following steps:

  • click on “Schedule Expertise”;
  • then check “Initial Expertise”;
  • click on “Yes” for remote assistance. However, this option must be checked if the applicant has the necessary documents.  

Still, benefits are granted for a period of up to 90 days. However, if the person needs to renew the application, they must do so after 30 days of the last analysis and, thus, wait for a new approval. 

Furthermore, the medical certificate to deliver to the INSS must follow some rules such as:

  • be legible and without erasures;
  • be issued within less than 30 days of filing the application;
  • Beneficiary's name;
  • estimated period for the professional break;
  • doctor's signature with stamp and identification at the Regional Council of Medicine;
  • full report on the health status of the patient.

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Furthermore, The insured must present the following personal documents:

  • work card;
  • ID, CNH or driver's license;
  • declaration of removal from the employer.

When should I apply for Illness Benefit?

Sickness aid must be requested in cases of accidents or physical incapacity of the worker. Therefore, the request will be made for cases in which the person is away from work for a period of more than 15 days. 

Therefore, the first 14 days will be the responsibility of the contractor, the INSS being made available for longer periods. However, workers must prove their health fragility. 

Who is entitled to receive the benefit from the INSS?

Workers insured by the INSS and working for at least 12 months in a company may apply for sick pay. However, in cases of serious illness or accidents at work, it is not necessary to wait for this period. 

However, only medical expertise and the professional certifier will be able to assess the need for the insured person to leave. Since, to avoid errors, the worker will need to prove his state of health. 

What is the amount paid in the Sickness Benefit?

The INSS will calculate according to the worker's contribution salary. However, the value of the benefit cannot be less than a minimum wage or greater than the salaries of the insured citizen. 

Sickness Aid - How to apply for the app my INSS
Sickness Aid – How to apply for my INSS app / Image credits pixabay

However, the calculation is equivalent to 100% of the arithmetic mean of contribution wages and cannot have a higher result than the last due dates. In this way, the insured person will be able to count on resources during his professional break. 

How do I receive the benefit payment?

The worker will receive the concession letter and must go to a bank to receive the first installment. On the other hand, the next payments can be deposited into an account of the holder. 

Furthermore, it is possible to request the Social Security Card to withdraw the benefit at ATMs or bank correspondents. To do so, just register with the INSS and create a password for operations. 

Therefore, if you need this benefit, present the requested documents and place your order. Therefore, you will be able to maintain your financial obligations and household budget for your family. 

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