
App to get free wifi – Download now on your cell phone

app to pick up wifi free, is one of the biggest hits at the moment, because they are essential to have Internet anywhere. And it's becoming more and more necessary with remote work and the need to stay connected.


In the same way, these applications will have aim to make your life easier on the network. With them it will be possible to have Internet always at hand, with a network that has good speed and has a Internet more stable.

So, to get a better understanding, these apps will work as a kind of radar to try to find any sign of wifi that is available. They will also function as a location network using a virtual map.


Likewise, there are some applications that will show if the network is reliable and the places where the network is available. Many of the applications will work as a virtual network, to split the password for the networks you already know.

App to get free wifi - Download now on your cell phone
App to get free wifi – Download now on your cell phone / Image Credits pixabay

See an app to get free wifi and share password

First, we have the app that will help you find the wifi free, and will make a share wifi passwords blocked. His name is Mandic Magic, it will map around 900,000 access points.

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Now, know that this application will work on all types of cell phones such as: Android, iOS and Windows Phones. Using the application will find the points of wifi free, and those with locks that can have their passwords shared.

However, in the case of this application, it is I need to make an account that must have the email and the password. But if you don't want to, you can access it through the Facebook, to have the fastest access to the wifi free.

Discover the app that shows you the best networks in your area

Then comes this app, which It will make life a lot easier for anyone who needs one. Internet that combines quality and speed. And the app name is free zone scanner wifi, and will look for stable connections in your area.

So, to be able to download the application, know that it can only be used on cell phones android. What prevents it from being used on cell phones, and having another type of program. But the app will guarantee a stable wifi.

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Now, know that despite being a great application, it ends up appearing a problem that is the fact that the application is all in English. And it can make using it a little complicated, but other than that it's easy to use.

Discover the app get free wifi and where they are located

Then we have Osmino wifi, it will act as a network crawler Internet open. And there will be a point, which is very important, which is the fact that your connection is automatic, facilitating the whole process.

In the same way as the Mandic Magic, the application leaves space to share the password of your networks with the other users of the platform. And if can use the router with other active devices, works on android and not iOS.

Then, it is also possible locate the points that have the wifithrough a map made available by the application itself. While networks can be saved in the cloud, which generates that automatic connection with known networks.

App to get free wifi - Download now on your cell phone
App to get free wifi – Download now on your cell phone / Image Credits pixabay

Learn how the app get free wifi that is reliable works

Lastly, we have this application called wifi analyzer that will work as a tracker wifi free and you will also get show whether it is a trusted network or not. But to get to know, requires an interpretation of the data in it.

Now, to get an idea of how it works, it's very easy. O application will show lines, like in a graph, there may be a line with the strength of the router, what is the signal strength and its degree of confidence.

Anyway, to get access to the application, there is a problem. Why it is only available for cell phones that are android, but it's worth it to make sure your phone is connected to a free and secure network.

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image credits pixabay


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