
Application to watch the telenovela – Veja pelo Celular

Serial lovers never miss a chapter of their favorite stories and can count on some options to stay on top of the plots. And the best thing about it is to download a app to watch soap opera.


Therefore, you can watch the chapters from anywhere, so you don't have to run home during soap operas. That's why, applications have become a practical, functional service and can be downloaded on cell phones and tablets. 

Therefore, cWe created this article to present the best apps so you don't miss the chapters of your favorite soap opera. and stay on top of what happens to your favorite characters. So keep reading to find out more. 


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What is the best app to watch the telenovela?

Sometimes there is no time to follow the soap operas when they are shown and, moreover, plot schedules are not compatible with personal routine. Soon, a desire to see the serials hits, but how to watch?

That's why, digital applications are here to stay for good in many people's lives and offer advantages in their services. That way, you can count on TV platforms not to miss your favorite shows. 

Application to watch the telenovela - Veja pelo Celular
Application to watch the telenovela – See it on your cell phone / Image credits pixabay

Then, We have prepared a list of some apps and thus it will be possible to know what happens in the world of fiction. Therefore, choose your application, install it on your cell phone, be sure to follow the soap opera chapters.


the platform of streaming transmits everything that TV Globo shows. Therefore, the carioca broadcaster offers a vast catalog of recorded programs, live transmissions, films and also the soap operas currently being shown. 

Therefore, viewers do not need to subscribe to the platform to watch telenovelas. Thus, it is possible to tune in to the current serial directly from your computer, cell phone or tablet, and follow the daily chapters. 

Still, if you want to subscribe to the service you will pay R$ 49.90 per month and you will have a full schedule to watch. In addition, the platform is also available on other pay-TV services.

Record TV

Bishop Edir Macedo's station also has an application for fans of its programming. To this end, the programs are stored on the platform and, thus, users can check the plots that are on air. 

Furthermore, the application allows you to save the contents in the “Favorites” folder, pause the show to be watched at any time, and also share the schedule on social networks. 

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The Abravanel family channel is known for showing Mexican dramas in its programming. Therefore, the broadcaster brings together several classics in its application and, with that, it is possible to review some very successful old soap operas such as:

  • The usurper;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Angel's face;
  • Accomplices in a ransom;
  • Ruby.

Furthermore, the application has an alert for the time of soap operas and, therefore, the user can watch the programs from anywhere so as not to miss the chapters of his favorite plot. 

Guigo TV

You can download this application to your cell phone and watch the Mexican soap operas shown on the channel. However, it is possible to do a seven-day free trial on the platform and, after that period, you will have options to subscribe to the service. 

Application to watch the telenovela - Veja pelo Celular
Application to watch the telenovela – See it on your cell phone / Image credits pixabay

band tv

The former Rede Bandeirantes de Televisão has already produced soap operas and, to review the stories, you need to download the station's application. Thus, you will have access to the plots and also to other content produced and currently shown by the channel. 

How to choose the best app to watch the telenovela?

TV apps have a wide catalog, so you need to choose the tool that will suit your needs.. To do so, see the content you like the most, check the price of subscriptions and install the current versions.

Nonetheless, there are some factors you need to consider before downloading any apps. Since, to guarantee a good transmission, it is important to have a good Internet so that there are no failures in the displays. 

On the other hand, check your phone's storage and that way you won't have problems with your device's memory. Furthermore, good streaming depends on a fast device that doesn't have problems with video display. 

Therefore, you won't have any difficulties to download the best application to watch your favorite telenovela and, in this way, you will stay on top of the emotions that the chapters show daily. So choose your service and enjoy!

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Best app to watch football game / Pixabay Image Credits


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