
How to watch the world cup in Qatar online - don't miss any game

The ball is already rolling in Qatar and you still don't know it How to watch the World Cup online? If you don't want to miss any bids and cheer for our selection, it's good not to waste time. 


Therefore, technology is in our favor and why not watch the games directly on your cell phone or computer? In addition, you can count on some apps and streaming platforms.

Therefore, find out now how to watch the Qatar Cup online and with all the quality in the transmissions. Also learn how to download applications or subscribe to content platforms. 


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How to watch the World Cup online?

The Qatar Cup has already started and our team has already won two victories in the first matches. However, we are already qualified for the round of 16 and you will miss this very important phase?

Surely, you don't want to be left out of Brazil's upcoming matches in the cup, do you? Then, how about watching the games in the palm of your hand or count on the excellent transmission of the platforms of streaming?

How to watch the world cup in Qatar online - don't miss any games
How to watch the world cup in Qatar online - don't miss any games / pixabay Image Credits

However, Rede Globo is broadcasting the games on open TV, but it is possible to follow the clashes on some cable TV channels and even on your computer. 

Therefore, we have listed the best opportunities for you to tune in to matches in a simple and uncomplicated way. Follow now our apps list for you to know how to watch the World Cup online


Grupo Globo's content platform transmits all the contents of the Rio station and the World Cup games, including. Therefore, Globoplay is showing the Qatar Cup in real time. 

To check the programs, you must download the application and choose one of the subscription plans which cost from R$ 19.90. However, the platform provides the free signal for live content.

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the broadcaster too is broadcasting the matches of the World Cup through the channels SportTV 1, 2 and 3. However, to access the contents, it is necessary to subscribe to a cable channel operator plan that transmits the channel.

Also, you can check out the games from SportTV by Globoplay, but only if you subscribe to the “Globoplay + live channels” combo. I.e, just create an account on the platform. 

Another point, in addition to Globo's platforms, it is possible to watch the World Cup by other subscription services like:

  • Live Play;
  • Direct TV;
  • Hi Play;
  • Claro TV (formerly NET).
How to watch the world cup in Qatar online - don't miss any games
How to watch the world cup in Qatar online - don't miss any game /


The official platform of FIFA is also broadcasting the Qatar Cup. For that, you can download the application to android It is iOS, you don't need to subscribe or register, and you can watch matches in real time.

YouTube and Twitch

The influencer Casimiro Miguel will broadcast the cup games through its channels on both platforms. However, through a partnership with FIFA, the journalist will make available 22 matches of the World Cup.

For that, you can watch the games on your computer or on electronic devices. However, the YouTube it's free but it is necessary to check the subscription plans to the Twitch.

How will the games be broadcast?

The world Cup is transmitted using 4K technology, which also takes advantage of the speed of the 5G system. With this, the population will be able to have a better signal to watch the games by cell phones or computers. 

In addition, new features for broadcasts provide a cleaner signal, interference-free and uninterrupted. On the other hand, the contents of Internet They don't need constant updates. 

Another point, if you have other equipment such as digital antennas, sticks and the TVBox, you can check out the games by tuning in to the channels. However, the devices provide various content, in addition to games. 

Now that you already know how to watch the world cup online, take advantage of our tips and don't miss out on our selection's tournaments. Therefore, choose the best option and vibrate with Brazil!

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